Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (2024)

1 GBP = 1.94142 AUDMid-market exchange rate

less than a minute ago

Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (1)GBP

ProviderShould arriveExchange rate(1 GBP → AUD)Transfer feeRecipient getsSending 1,000 GBP
Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (2)

in 3 days

1.94142Mid-market rate [?]4.02 GBPTransparent fee [?]1,933.62 AUD
Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (3)

within 2 days

1.906700.00 GBP1,906.70 AUD-26.92 AUD

The above information applies when you pay in via bank transfer.

Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (4)

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Next, Wise’s account in your recipient’s country pays the money straight into their account. Your money never crosses borders.

Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (5)

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Banks and other providers often set their own, unfriendly exchange rates. It means that you pay more than you need to, and they pocket the difference.

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Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (6)

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Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (7)

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I live abroad & also have my connection back to India by sending money to my family.

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Compare Xe GBP to AUD exchange rate - Wise (2024)


What is the best exchange rate for GBP to AUD? ›

1 British pound to Australian Dollar stats

Is now a good time to exchange GBP to AUD? ›

At present, the GBP/AUD rate is sitting well above its long-term average of $1.75, making it a good time to buy Australian Dollars. In August 2023 and July 2024, the GBP/AUD rate almost hit the $2 level. That's a rarity these days.

What is the prediction for GBP vs Australian Dollar? ›

Medium-term outlook: Is the Pound going to rise or fall against the Australian Dollar in the coming months? In five months the Pound-to-Australian Dollar exchange rate is forecast to trade at 1.8701 (Q4 2024), 4.9% lower compared to today's price. In eight months the expected rate is at 1.8528 (Q1 2025), 5.78% lower.

Is the Australian Dollar stronger than the British pound? ›

The latest Australian dollar to pound exchange rate

Right now 1 British pound will get you a rate of 1.877 AUD. To check out today's exchange rate and our historic rates year on year, head to our rates page here. And to look back over the history of the Australian dollar right from its inception, look no further!

What is a good rate for AUD to GBP? ›

Email me when
1 AUD to GBPLast 30 daysLast 90 days
1 more row

Should I exchange money before I travel to Australia? ›

Should you exchange money before going to Australia? As we said previously, buying the local currency of your destination country is the cheapest way to buy currency. This means it's best to sell foreign currency in Australia to get Australian dollars (AUD).

Is the Australian dollar expected to rise against the Pound? ›

Today's AUD to GBP forecast for next week suggests the AUD to GBP rate might rise to £ 0.526417 in the next 7 days, a 1.80% increase compared to the current rate.

Is it better to exchange money in Australia or the UK? ›

It's generally cheaper to convert your currency at home in Australia before you travel to the United Kingdom, as you'll get a better exchange rate. This way, you'll know exactly how much money you have to spend while you're away, and you won't be hit with any unexpected fees or charges.

How much is $1 Pound in AUD? ›

1.93 AUD

Is now a good time to buy Australian dollars? ›

On the chart, some resistance (selling pressure) is staring at the rate at 1.945-1.950, not too far from the current level. If you do need some Australian dollars now, you may wish to take advantage of the recent GBP's strength to buy some. Watch to complete more AUD purchases near 1.950.

Why is AUD dropping against GBP? ›

Year-on-year growth was just 0.6 per cent, according to the Office for National Statistics. Australia also has its own economic challenges but the economy is expected to grow faster than the UK, which is a positive driver of the AUD. These mixed forces have generally weakened the AUD against the GBP in 2023.

Why is the Australian dollar so low right now? ›

The Australian dollar has been dropping in value due to global economic factors. Without a strong global outlook, the demand for Australian dollars falls, which in turn affects its value negatively.

What is the best pound to Australian Dollar exchange rate today? ›

Currency Menu
LIVE1.9678 ▲ +0.12%
Today's Open:1.9654
Today's High:1.9916
Today's Low:1.9637
24hr ago:1.9665 ▲ +0.07%
4 more rows

What is the 3 strongest currency in the world? ›

Omani rial

What is the all time high for GBP AUD? ›

The history of the GBPAUD pair is relatively volatile, with the exchange rate ranging from 1.4 AUD per GBP in 1999 to a high of 2.9 AUD per GBP in 2013. In recent years, the pair has fluctuated between 1.6 to 1.9 AUD per GBP.

What is the best time to trade GBP AUD? ›

As with all other major and minor currency pairs in the forex market, GBP/AUD can be traded 24/7. Despite this, the GBP/AUD pair is most liquid during UK trading hours – 8am-5pm GMT.

What is the best conversion rate for AUD? ›

Live rate: 1 AUD = 0.6448 USD ( -1.01% )

Is the Australian Dollar expected to rise against the Pound? ›

Today's AUD to GBP forecast for next week suggests the AUD to GBP rate might rise to £ 0.526417 in the next 7 days, a 1.80% increase compared to the current rate.

What is the best exchange rate for the US dollar in the UK? ›

The best US dollar exchange rate right now is 1.2624 from Travel FX. This is based on a comparison of 17 currency suppliers and assumes you were buying £750 worth of US dollars for home delivery.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.